#FreeMySmile Referendum
Although referendums are enshrined in the South African Constitution, government has not provided the legislation to make this possible.
This is the single most important reason why we need a referendum. We need to get rid of them!
Government is not your friend. Government does not care.
Remember that the holocaust and apartheid were once law.
We've chosen to fight for our students in our first referendum as they are our future, and need our support.
So guys, this is up to us! Let's stand together and show our strength in numbers!
Masks can:
- Damage our immune system
- Cause more deaths than they prevent due to the risk of bacterial pneumonia
- Cause lung cancer
- Cause skin disease
- Create abnormal behaviour
- Increase intake of toxic carbon dioxide
- Cause brain damage
- Cause speech impediments
- Affect facial perception
- Negatively impact psychological well-being
Florida Government Hearing - Masks not correlated to any decrease in COVID-19 in America and psychologically damaging for children.
American bio-weapons expert - Masks cannot prevent small particle transmission, do not work and will create a generation of children who are scared of normal life
CDC and The Who - Masks don’t work. Doctors warn of decreased oxygen intake, increased carbon dioxide, worm infestation and dangerous chemicals.
Dr Byram Bridle - demonstrates particle size of masks too large to prevent COVID-19 particle transmission.
Global COVID Summit scientists - Masks have never been effective against airborne respiratory viruses. Neither CDC, nor OSHA recognizes masks as PPE. No randomized control trial data to support their efficacy.
What is a referendum?
According to the Oxford dictionary, a referendum is a general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision.
How do they work?
The citizens of the country are supposed to be able to request a referendum and then go to the polls to show their support, or opposition to, any matter that they consider urgent or important.
Why do we need them?
A referendum allows the public to vote directly on an issue.
So, you know … like when the government doesn’t stand up for the people … that’s when we need a referendum!
Or, if we want to replace the government, we need a referendum because we can put it to a direct vote rather than go through ‘elected’ government representatives.
The South African Constitution provides for referenda, but the government has never enacted the legislation to provide for this.
Why is that, we wonder?
- Only students, parents/guardians of students, and educators who are directly affected by the requirement to wear masks in places of learning may vote in this referendum.
- Students who are still under the age of legal consent may vote with the permissions of their parents and legal guardians.
- We give you our promise that your personal information will never be shared. If any official requires to verify our information it will be done in situ/in person - ie, there will be no data transfer to any third party ever.
- Voters will have the opportunity to unify and stand together to show their opposition to the wearing of masks in any place of learning.
- Email buttons can be used to anonymously share facts and data, to spread information and create awareness far and wide. (this is coming soon)
- Our counter will be live so that you are able to track our progress. (coming soon)
- We can, and will, be able to analyse the voting data and provide voter numbers for specific age groups and schools. This information can hopefully be used to apply pressure on school boards to pressure the government to change policy.
- Voter numbers and other information can be used in court and by civil rights groups and activists.
- Going forward, we will offer the option for voters to create voluntary associations within specific places of learning, provinces etc where they can share information, communicate and create their own campaigns.
- The deadline for this referendum is the day that masks are no longer mandated in any place of learning.
Please share this vital information far and wide.
We want and need to communicate this urgently to everyone in South Africa.
No matter where one stands on what has transpired the last few years, many of us do not want our youth to be forced to wear masks.
We need to unify and stand up for our youth. They need our support and protection. They are our future.
Please use your databases and also our email share button (coming soon) to help us achieve the above. This is not a contravention of the POPI Act - we have investigated and verified this.
If you send this information to twenty people every day for twenty days, that's 20 x 20 = 400. If those 400 send it to at least twenty more 400 x 20 = 8000 and so on, by the time the message reaches the fifth group of people, we will have reached over sixty-four million people.
Do you realise that you have this power and potential? Acting together, we can make a difference.
Please also email us any databases of professional email addresses so we can safely email them our information from a red list email address. You can send these to [email protected]. This is not a contravention of the POPI Act – we have investigated and verified this.
Masks can negatively impact a child’s wellbeing: German study released by 363 doctors Involved 25 000 school aged children that shows 68% of these children reported impairments physically, psychologically & behaviourally, revealing 24 distinct health issues associated with wearing masks.
Masks can damage our immune systems:
Masks don’t work: Masks don’t protect “yourself and others”. Instead, masks cause more harm and are used to force children into obedience.
Masks cause more deaths than they prevent due to the risk of bacterial pneumonia:
Masks increase risk of Covid:
Masks micro plastic inhalation causes lung cancer:
- Face Masks: Breathing Microplastic Fibers
- Nanoplastics and other harmful pollutants found in disposable face masks
- Covid-19 masks ‘cause plastic fibre inhalation – but we should still use them’
- Titanium dioxide particles frequently present in face masks intended for general use require regulatory control
- Are graphene-coated face masks a COVID-19 miracle – or another health risk?
Masks affect facial perception and cause speech impediments:
Masks increase intake of toxic carbon dioxide:
- Inhaled CO2 concentration while wearing face masks: a pilot study using capnography
- Carbon dioxide rises beyond acceptable safety levels in children under nose and mouth covering: Results of an experimental measurement study in healthy children
- Risks associated with the use of a mouth-nose cover (MNC) in children and adolescents
Masks cause brain damage:
- Preliminary report on surgical mask induced deoxygenation during major surgery
- The physiological impact of wearing an N95 mask during hemodialysis as a precaution against SARS in patients with end-stage renal disease
- A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers
- Forty-Five Years Of Mask Studies Prove They’re Worthless
Masks cause severe psychosocial consequences:
Masks cause detrimental psychological effects:
Masks make diseases worse:
Referendum Closed
Following the announcement from government that masks are no longer required in public places as of 23 June 2022, this referendum has been closed. Thank you to those who casted votes! ❤️✨